Achira replied

666 weeks ago

Does anyone want to form a small static to team up on Empy farming?
I could bring WHM, and even a BLM (and possibly a THF).

I have enough accounts to solo it but it ends up being more of a job than fun, and I'd like it to be at least a teensy bit enjoyable!

My Almace is 85 (35/75 on the horns) but TBH I haven't gotten to play my RDM or PLD lately, and I was going to make an Aegis but my Dynamis plan hasn't panned out the way I'd hoped (a promotion at work meant more work not less!).

Anyway, I'd like to start working on an Armageddon or Twashtar; if you'd be up for teaming up let me know! Even if we just went for an hour or two every day or two, that'd be fine.


Cromag replied

666 weeks ago

I'm interested. Any progress is good with me. Finishing up Orth claws 30/75 and/or working on Buhkis wings. Have WAR, NIN, BLM, SAM, THF, RNG

Achira replied

666 weeks ago

Great! Let's figure out good days/times and go for it. :)

Dridian replied

665 weeks ago

we do have set times for Emp farming. More so with the Emp Wpns. the Emp Wpn items go to the person that we are doing the run for and the +2 Emp Armour is FL. However, if you like to static it with othere people outside our set times, that is okay. We do Emp Wpn farming for those that are ready for the upgrade from tues-thurs nights. Followed by some VW for those that might be interested. VW during those nights is not mandatory.

Dridian replied

665 weeks ago

if i'm free, i'll be able to help you guys out

Achira replied

665 weeks ago

I've been there helping when I can during the week (as you know); but I sorta felt like I should be working on my emp on my own bc I'm new so I wanted to be proactive about it.

Cromag replied

665 weeks ago

Should be praised for actually wanting to progress.

Blackstar Admin replied

665 weeks ago

We gonna start Static This Week. Prob After Meeting if not. we can do more VW and such.
PPL in Group:
Not taking anymore ppl at this time.
Gonna finish off Dridians Weapon this week since ppl did VW on his day. 30 Wings remain. shouldnt take to long.

Achira replied

665 weeks ago

Should be praised for actually wanting to progress.Cromag

heh I don't need praise. But feel free ;)

No seriously, I am just OCD and prefer to be proactive. But TY Black for including me! Much appreciated all the way around.

Reineko replied

665 weeks ago

9/50 Glavoid Shells
0/50 Itzpapalotl Scales

last edited 664 weeks ago by Reineko
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